
T4.4. – Preliminary workshop report final

This report describes the structured approach and results of the ALLVIEW project, with a particular focus on Work Package 4, Task 4, which aims to improve corporate social responsibility (CSR) practices in the wood and furniture sector. The report outlines the project’s objectives, methodology, and the outcomes of the national workshops conducted by various partners to introduce CSR to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). It includes a comprehensive analysis of the process of identifying and selecting companies for the coaching phase, as well as the preparation and support provided by the activity leader, WIC. The report also discusses the measurement of impact through key performance indicators (KPIs) and provides an overview of the progress made and strategies implemented, setting the stage for the upcoming pilot test.

D4.2 – Development of a guide of good practices for CSR in the Wood and Furniture sector – 2nd part

This document is the second part of an initial report “D4.2 – Development of a guide of good practices for CSR in the Wood and Furniture sector”, focusing on the good practices and non-formal methodologies researched in Belgium by the partner EURADA. It includes not only the report but also explanatory infographics for clarity. The guide composed of 1st and 2nd part draws on various sources and case studies across Europe, highlighting proven success in implementing CSR initiatives within the wood and furniture sector.



D8.4 Guide for the application of EU VET policies in the wood and furniture sector

D8.4 guide aims to help users to understand how EU VET policies can be applied in the wood and furniture sector, providing information on key concepts in VET provision, as well as details of policies designed and implemented by the EC commission. It also includes information on other instruments and initiatives available to all EU stakeholders. This infographic details the content and aims of this guide.



D3.3.1. Integration of VR and MR as complementary Tools in the Curriculum

This report presents the results of tasks “T3.2 – Development of AR, VR, MR base environments” and “T3.3 – MR, VR and AR toolkit” in the WP3 “KET kit for training in the F&W sector”. The consortium explored new training methods using key enabling technologies as teaching tools, with a focus on the project approach. The report is based on the findings of deliverable “D3.1: Selection of technologies related to AR, VR and MR”, which identified MR and VR as the most suitable technologies for the work package. Ten exercises were developed for the furniture and wood sector across four different environments. The report covers the development and implementation of the exercises, the use of study technologies in education, the learning outcomes, and the integration of these technologies into classroom activities in VET courses.”


D4.T3 Guideline to Social Return on Investment (SROI)

An SROI analysis can fulfill a range of purposes, as it can be used to guide management choices, as a tool for strategic planning and improving, for communicating impact and attracting investment, or for making investment decisions. This document is intended to help companies to also take social aspects into account in the overall consideration of the quality of work. Especially for companies that work with the sustainable raw material wood, the issues of climate protection and social aspects go hand in hand. For this reason, too, it is important to work out the added value of integration and similar issues for a company. This approach can not only be beneficial for the company itself but can also present the entire sector of the furniture and wood industry as sustainable in an overall social context.


D3.5- New exercises using 3D printing (Including 3D Models)

This document is the second deliverable of task T3.4. “Set of exercises with 3D printing”. The aim of this report is to provide a progressive immersion in additive manufacturing technology. The reader will acquire the necessary knowledge about what this technology is and how it works, the main applications within the furniture and wood sector, and the benefits of its use in education. In addition, the 3D printing exercises (definitions and .stl files) developed in this work package are included. We believe that this material will bring added value to those schools and teachers who want to get started in this field.


Good Practices in the European Wood and Furniture Eco-system

The document describes good practices as initiatives that have proven to be successful in a region and which are therefore of potential interest to other regions. Proven successful means that the initiative has already provided tangible and measurable results in achieving a specific objective – here the fostering of ALLVIEW’s goals. The identification of good practices serves several purposes. Most importantly, in the framework of the project, this collection of good practices may serve as a valuable source of inspiration and Learning, policy development, and thus replication, for each of the project’s partners, as well as for the general European public.


D 2.5 “Pathways to HE”

This document summarizes the results of task T2.5 “Study of the pathways to HE”, which is the last task of WP2 “Blended learning library for the W&F sector” of the ALLVIEW project. The main objective of this task was to review learning objectives of Vocational (VET) and Higher (HE) education. On this basis, a model for transferring learning contents from the context of VET to HE was developed. Partners assessed VET and HE knowledge gaps in Circular Economy and Ambient Assisted Living and identified how to fill these gaps and how modern Industry 4.0 technologies can help us to do so. Moreover, a classification parameter of educational programs at both VET and HE as well as a comparison between projects was done to find out the possible learning contents and concepts already developed. The goal was to develop a model showing the current and expected level of knowledge and gaps between levels of education in the wood and furniture sector.


D3.4. Definition of new exercises using 3D Printing.

This document reports on the first results obtained in the task “T3.4: Set of 3D printing exercises” in the framework of Work Package 3 “KET Kit for training in the F&W sector”.

As a result of this task, 14 exercises on 3D printing have been defined. This set of exercises will allow trainees to reinforce concepts related to wood and furniture, but will also serve to introduce them to the world of 3D printing. This report presents the exercises identified, the methodologies for their insertion in the classroom, and the main learning outcomes and benefits that students will obtain through them.


Wood & Furniture Industry COMPANIES and HE/VET Centres in Europe – a Network of Excellence


D4.2 – A set of infographic for explaining good practices for CSR in the Wood and Furniture sector


D4.2 – Development of a guide of good practices for CSR in the Wood and Furniture sector

A set of European good practices and non-formal methodologies for the CSR in the Wood and Furniture sectors

Each partner, who took part in this activity, carried out an in-depth research to highlight the good practices of their territory relating not only to CSR but also to the wood and furniture sectors, the main focus of the ALLVIEW project.

The identification of good practices serves several purposes. Most importantly, in the framework of the project, the collection of good practices will be a valuable source of learning and inspiration for replication, for each of the project’s partners, but also the general European public.

In addition to good practices, a series of national non-formal methodologies have also analyzed that can be used by SMEs as didactic material for their training.

D6.1 –Regional SWOT Analysis and Mapping

This reading is the first step of the partnership towards the so-called “Blue Print in the Furniture and Wood sector” . The document assembles information regarding the state of the Furniture & Wood sector (F&W) in each region so that a common understanding of the industrial context as well as of educational gaps and skills demand can be established following data collected from Regional Stakeholder Groups. Ultimately, the knowledge on the state of the F&W sector is used to develop updated curricula in each region with reference to the thematic areas of the ALLVIEW project i.e. Industry 4.0, Ambient Assisted Living, and Corporate Social Responsibility. You can download the long version of the report here

D1.4 – ALLVIEW AL/ML algorithms

The main objective of task 1.4 is to design and develop the ALLVIEW platform engine, based on Recommender System (RS) algorithms, a branch of Artificial Intelligence(AI)/Machine Learning (ML). The goal is to offer a front-end with a personal Learning and Development (L&D) portal through the use of the two RS techniques most suitable for the ALLVIEW platform: content-based and collaborative filtering techniques. The algorithms take user data as inputs of the RS and reports user recommendations, based on their profile, needs or preferences, where skills and ESCO competences are included in the catalog. The RS reports recommendations of suitable learning paths, training courses or job positions. The evaluation of  the ML techniques is also performed for each use case identified in D1.2. Finally, the platform deployment is presented including the cloud solution provider and the structure of the public repository, where the open-source code has been allocated. You can download the long version of the report here 

D2.1 & D2.2 – Database

D2.2 – Mapping existing Industry 4.0 Learning Resources

D2.2: The main objective of this task is to create a database of existing training materials/learning units and resources in the field of Industry 4.0. A considerable amount of learning units has already been completed and are available for free use on different platforms. These include projects such as IN4WOOD, MAKING 4.0, DITRAMA, among others. The report and its database are now available. You can download it here.

D2.1-Mapping existing Circular Economy Learning Resources in Furniture

D2.1: The main objective of this task is to create a database of existing training materials/learning units and resources in the field of Circular Economy. A considerable amount of learning units has already been completed and are available for free use on different platforms. These include projects such as FURN360, SAWYER, ECOSIGN, etc. The report and its database are now available. You can download it here

D3.1. Selection of technologies related with AR, VR and MR

This document presents the results of the task “T3.1: Identification of technologies (AR, VR, MR)” in the framework of WP3 “KET Kit for training in the F&W sector”

The objective of this report is to perform an in-depth research on Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality and Mixed Reality technologies, to identify which of them are more suitable and beneficial for use in education and teaching, more specifically in the furniture and wood sector. Some examples of the use of these immersive technologies in education in the furniture and wood sector are shown. Reference is also made to those software and hardware tools currently available, and those that, after the studies carried out, the consortium will use for the implementation of the following tasks: development of VR/MR/360° video environments and immersive exercises for training in the study sector.

ALLVIEW – Identification of Regional & National policies on the accessibility of people with special needs in CSR for the Wood and Furniture sector

The third report has as its main theme the inclusion of people with special needs and disabilities in work and in VET training. It aims to raise awareness about inclusion of people with special needs and disabilities in today’s society. You can download the report here

ALLVIEW – Identification of Regional & National policies on the inclusion of migrants and refugees in CSR for the Wood and Furniture sector

This second report has as main theme Inclusion of migrants and refugees in the Wood and Furniture sector. This document aims to raise awareness about inclusion of migrants and refugees in today’s society. It reports a series of policies that describe the situation in different EU-countries. You can download the report here:

ALLVIEW Identification of Regional National policies on Circular Economy in CSR for the Wood and Furniture sector Short report (ENG)

The main objective of this task is to analyse the status of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in the furniture and wood sector in the EU. The partner consortium has analysed the legislative tools that regulate CSR in various European countries. The research took into consideration the three pillars of CSR: sustainability, inclusivity and accessibility. The first report is now available and concerns CSR in relation to waste prevention and Circular Economy.You can download the short version here

ALLVIEW Identification of Regional National policies on Circular Economy in CSR for the Wood and Furniture sector Full report

The main objective of this task is to analyse the status of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in the furniture and wood sector in the EU. The partner consortium has analysed the legislative tools that regulate CSR in various European countries. The research took into consideration the three pillars of CSR: sustainability, inclusivity and accessibility. The first report is now available and concerns CSR in relation to waste prevention and Circular Economy.You can download the long version here

Report on analysis of open-source tools for skill assessment

This document summarizes the results obtained from task T1.1. This task was scheduled for the
first six months of the project. During that period of time, the partners involved in WP1 have
performed the analysis of the state of art in open-source software tools for skill assessment. The
main objective was to find out the gaps and needs to be covered in the ALLVIEW platform.