The consortium of partners of ALLVIEW project is glad to announce that the first report of the WP4. T1 – Identification of Regional/National policies about CSR is out.
The main objective of this task is to analyse the status of the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in the Furniture and Wood sectors. The partner consortium has analysed some legislative tools that regulate CSR in various European countries. The research took into consideration the three pillars of CSR: sustainability, inclusivity and accessibility.
This first document is the first step within a more complex and elaborate work. Specifically, three different reports will be developed which have CSR in the Wood and Furniture sectors as their main topic.
The first report is now available and concerns CSR in relation to waste prevention and Circular Economy. The following two documents will be on the topics of migrants and refugees and on the inclusion of people with disabilities in the labour market and in education and training.
Thanks to this research, the partners’ consortium wants to enhance the awareness regarding CSR at European level, considering not only the sustainable aspects regarding the environmental topics, but also inclusivity and accessibility aspects, addressed to a wider range of people with fewer opportunities: migrants, disabled people and people with social disadvantages in general.
The document here presented is in an English version. The translated versions German, Italian, Spanish, Poland, Slovenian and Flemish will be available soon.
You can download the long or short report here:
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