D 2.5 “Pathways to HE”

This document summarizes the results of task T2.5 “Study of the pathways to HE”, which is the last task of WP2 “Blended learning library for the W&F sector” of the ALLVIEW project. The main objective of this task was to review learning objectives of Vocational (VET) and Higher (HE) education. On this basis, a model for transferring learning contents from the context of VET to HE was developed. Partners assessed VET and HE knowledge gaps in Circular Economy and Ambient Assisted Living and identified how to fill these gaps and how modern Industry 4.0 technologies can help us to do so. Moreover, a classification parameter of educational programs at both VET and HE as well as a comparison between projects was done to find out the possible learning contents and concepts already developed. The goal was to develop a model showing the current and expected level of knowledge and gaps between levels of education in the wood and furniture sector.