11th September 2024 | Boulevard de l’Europe – Chassieu

12th September 2024 | CCI de région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes                     32 Quai Perrache CS 10015 69286 LYON cedex 02 

Crafting Tomorrow: Innovating Vocational Education in Wood & Furniture

Join us for the ALLVIEW Final Event “Crafting Tomorrow: Innovating Vocational Education in Wood & Furniture” on September 11th and 12th, 2024, in Lyon, France. This event, hosted by a consortium of partners, aims to address the skills gap in the EU’s Wood & Furniture sector. The ALLVIEW project serves as a transnational cooperation platform, uniting partners from within the industry to modernize vocational education and training (VET) methodologies.
Throughout this half-day event, participants will engage in comprehensive discussions exploring the project’s outcomes and critical topics such as regional development, innovative learning practices, and skills foresight. Tailored workshops catered to diverse target groups will provide hands-on experiences, offering a unique opportunity to interact directly with materials generated throughout the project’s four-year implementation.
Day one will coincide with the Forum of Vocational Excellence 2024, providing attendees with insights into the VET landscape and industry dynamics within the wood and furniture sector. Mark your calendars and stay tuned for further updates on our communication channels. Seize the opportunity to collaborate with key stakeholders and explore innovative solutions to industry challenges.

Since the Centres of Vocational Excellence are not only a European initiative, and there are many similar national CoVE initiatives, one of the main goals of this years’ Forum is to provide matchmaking opportunities between the CoVEs, both nationally and internationally. Secondly, you will have ample opportunity to see and experience what the CoVEs and Campus des Metiers and Qualifications have achieved over the last 5 years, since we find it hugely important to show what kind of impact CoVEs are making on students, companies, teachers and society as a whole.

Useful information

How to arrive


