Launch of the ALLVIEW guide to better understand and exploit EU policies and instruments for enhancing the quality of VET provision 

Jul 18, 2024

CoVE initiative has a number of key objectives, including improving the quality of VET provision within target sectors across the EU and facilitating systems understanding and harmonisation across EU countries.

In this context, the ALLVIEW partnership has produced the Guide for the application of EU VET policies in the wood and furniture sector aiming to help users understand how EU VET policies can be applied in the wood and furniture sector and enhance the VET offer within the sector. It provides essential information on key concepts in VET provision, as well as details of policies designed and implemented by the EC commission in recent years to achieve the aforementioned objectives. It also includes information on other instruments and initiatives available to all EU stakeholders. 

The ALLVIEW partners consider it essential that sector VET provision responds to the sectoral needs in terms of knowledge and skills. It must also satisfy all the requirements of EU VET policies and principles in order to improve the training model/system for the sector. This will enable the provision of specific sectorial training that is able to: 

  • Increase transparency and comparability of sector qualifications 
  • Increase comparability of curricula among different countries, facilitating workers’ mobility across the EU 
  • Increase permeability of the sector VET 
  • Facilitate lifelong learning of the sector workers 
  • Attract younger people by making the sector VET offer more attractive 

It is evident that EU policies and instruments are evolving and aiming to respond to different sectors’ needs. However, there are a few key concepts and instruments that have emerged as crucial for improving the quality of VET provision, particularly in responding to the specific labour market skills needs that are central to the innovation and development of EU industries. This guide has been developed with the aim of facilitating understanding among all sectoral stakeholders of this framework, its policies and principles, and the available instruments. We believe that only through a strong, continuous and concrete collaboration among all stakeholders can our sector become more resilient and better equipped to face the challenges posed by current trends, global competition, climate change and the twin transitions (green and digital) that are impacting EU industries. 

The infographic provides a concise overview of the content and objectives of this guide.